“The Guiding Light” Nativity Robert Olszewski Masterpiece Gallery of Light Collection
Retired - "The Guiding Light" A magical 3D diorama of the Nativity in Bethlehem, part of Olszewski's, Masterpiece Gallery of Light Collection. In 2008 Olszewski was commissioned by Enesco to create Masterpiece Gallery of Light Collection pieces featuring the artists Thomas Kinkade, Norman Rockwell, Leonardo da Vinci's "The Last Supper", and Olszewski's own "Nativity" seris.
Led light turns on and off by pressing one of the raised leaves located on the bottom right of the ornate gold box frame. 3 -AAA batteries required.
Large - 6”-4 3/4"-3 13/16"
A beautiful piece! Exceptional condition, please see details in the photographs.
Does not come in original box.
Retirado - "La luz guía" Un diorama mágico en 3D de la Natividad en Belén, parte de la Colección Galería de Luz de Olszewski. En 2008, Enesco le encargó a Olszewski que creara piezas de Gallery of Light con los artistas Thomas Kinkade, Norman Rockwell, "La última cena" de Leonardo da Vinci y la propia serie "Natividad" de Olszewski.
La luz LED se enciende y apaga presionando una de las hojas elevadas ubicadas en la parte inferior derecha del marco de la caja de oro adornado. Se requieren 3 baterías AAA.
Grande - 6 1/16 "-4 3/4" -3 13/16 "
¡Una hermosa pieza! Estado excepcional, ver detalles en las fotografías.
No viene en caja original.